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We can put your listing in front of a much larger audience than you could on your own, thanks to our database of fire departments actively looking for used fire trucks and fire apparatus.
If you want to list your used fire truck or other used fire equipment on other websites, our services are non-exclusive, so you can do so as well.
We are happy to provide you with free pricing recommendations to get you the most money for your used fire apparatus.
You don't have to do any of the marketing or advertising on your used fire truck because we do it all for you.
We will not charge you for any of our services if your equipment does not sell to one of our leads. We only make a commission if we bring you the buyer!
To list your used fire truck or used fire apparatus, please fill out our online listing form, then upload pictures of the apparatus.
The marketability and pricing of your used fire apparatus will be discussed with you in the future.
We advertise your used fire apparatus on our website and reach out to a large number of potential purchasers via email, social media, and other means.
A qualified buyer will be in touch with you via email or phone call after contacting us, expressing interest in your fire truck.
Redline Fire Apparatus is a family owned and operated business started in 2018 by Adam Wilvert. Redline Fire Apparatus specializes in bringing fire departments together who are looking to buy and sell their used fire trucks or used fire apparatus. We are proud to serve fire departments all over the United States and around the world! We take pride in the relationships and the trust we have built over the years, and we are proud to serve our repeat customers who return year after year. Find out what Redline Fire Apparatus can do for you!
Browse our inventory of
used ARFF Trucks
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used Aerial Trucks
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used Pumpers Trucks
Browse our inventory of
used Rescue Trucks
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used Tanker Trucks
Browse our inventory of
used Misc Trucks
We have a large list of fire departments who are actively seeking to purchase quality used fire trucks and vehicles. If you would like to get top dollar for your used fire truck let us help! We help fire departments all over the country sell their used fire apparatus.
Browse our extensive inventory of used fire trucks and fire apparatus. You can rely on high-quality used fire vehicles to get the job done. We provide unparalleled service and strive to exceed your expectations!
We can help your fire department through the entire buying process, from finding a fire truck to financing it. Our experienced team can consult, advise, and help you get the best financing available. We work closely with many different banks and lenders which allows us to help find your department the lowest possible interest rate available.
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Red Line Fire Apparatus |
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