2023 Dodge Ram 4x4 Brush Truck
Seating For 5
Ram 5500 4x4 Dodge Chassis
Cummins L6 Diesel Engine
Aisin AS69RC Automatic Transmission
Mileage: 605
Darley 1.5 AGE 24K Pump
450 Gallon Poly Water Tank
10 Gallon Foam Cell
Cascade Fire Foam System
Booster Reel
LED Lighting
SoundOff Signal Warning Lights
Air Conditioning
Buckstop Single Kit
Buckstop Front Bumper
Warn 15.5Ti Winch
_This is a brokered truck. Redline Fire Apparatus is not the owner of this vehicle. As such we are unable to guarantee the accuracy of the information provided above. Before purchasing, it is imperative that you confirm with the seller/owner that the vehicle meets your required needs. Redline Fire Apparatus is not responsible for the condition of any brokered vehicle on our site. We recommend a third party inspection be performed on the vehicle prior to purchase._